Monday, December 15, 2008

Nikon D400 leaked

Above pic shows the leaked pictures of the new D400. It claims to have 1080hd video recording. It looks real to me. Nikon empire is getting stronger. I doubt Canon still catching up. Not long ago, There was D700 being announced, tried on that, it seems pretty impressive dslr. But what is going with dlsr nowadays? What happen with the built in video recording features in a dslr? I doubt photographers use that. Sooner or later, there's no photographer anymore. Claim the name: Cinematographer. wooHOO!!!

anyway, here's the leaked spec of the Nikon D400:

Nikon D400
Key Features:

  • New 14.8 megapixel DX format CMOS sensor effective 14.3 megapixel
  • Self-cleaning sensor unit (low-pass filter vibration)
  • ISO 100 - 6400 (with boost up to ISO 25600 and down to ISO 50)
  • 14-bit A/D conversion
  • Movie capture at up to 1080p 24 fps with stereo sound
  • Nikon EXPEED Plus image processor 30% faster than previous EXPEED image processor
  • Super fast operation (power-up 13 ms, shutter lag 40 ms, black-out 90 ms)
  • Kevlar / carbon fibre composite shutter with 200,000 exposure durability
  • Multi-CAM3500DX Auto Focus sensor (51-point, 15 cross-type, more vertical coverage)
  • Auto-focus tracking by color (using information from 1005-pixel AE sensor)
  • Auto-focus calibration (fine-tuning) now available (fixed body or up to 20 separate lens settings)
  • Vignetting control in-camera
  • Automatic chromatic aberration correction
  • Custom image parameters now support brightness as well as contrast
  • Seven frames per second continuous shooting (nine frames per second with battery pack)
  • 3.0″ 922,000 pixel LCD monitor
  • Live View with either phase detect (mirror up/down) or contrast-detect AF, face detection
  • ‘Active D-Lighting’ (adjusts metering as well as applying D-Lighting curve)
  • Detailed ‘Control Panel’ type display on LCD monitor, changes color in darkness
  • Buttons sealed against moisture
  • Same ultra-fast startup and shutter lag as D700
  • Scene Recognition System (uses AE sensor, AF sensor)
  • Picture Control image parameter presets
  • UDMA compatible single CF card slot
  • Virtual horizon indicates if camera is level (like an aircraft cockpit display)
  • Extensive in-camera retouching
  • HDMI HD video output
  • Magnesium alloy body with connections and buttons sealed against moisture

Monday, December 8, 2008

Top Class Photographer

Thursday, December 4, 2008 - A community Project

This assignment was assigned by The Heritage Station Hotel Kuala Lumper and guided by Mr. John W. Ishii. There were 3 couples on the day and 15 photgraphers on the day, AND, I'm on the list *pat self* hehe.






I did have a great time shooting on that day. No pressure, just learn, ask question, suggest and fire up the shutter. Master John taught us 1st clue of the day was "seeking for the available light as light source". That means no flash! yaY! I was excited. Before this, I was so afraid to use flash, maybe it's because of the damn third party flash *smacking the flash*











2nd clue was he yelling at the time "shoot low! shoot low!" Oh, come on... How am I going to shoot low with the focal length of 70-200? alright, ignore this part.








3rd, NO MORE CUTEY STUFF! time to be a grOWN UP! No more cubit on the face, slap the butt etc! I find marriage can be described with a word "Elegant". So, both the bride and groom might have to turn themselves into a porfessional model. Master John was asking us to shoot the outcome as seen in the magazine. The feel of elegant, connection of 2 people, seriousness, intimacy were theme of the day. Somehow, we forgot happiness where minor cheeky scene is allowed in my dictionary.

Overall, great effort by organizers, great experience, great guidance by seniors and Master John W. Ishii, great weather(overcast), great people around making laughter, great time being together and lastly, great dinner before we dismiss.

stay tune for more photos uodate!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

So who is not into technology?

Monday, December 1, 2008

Ciern Vintage Photog

My girl a Vintage Photographer.

Feel free to c&c. Thanks :)











p/s: title editted due to the complaint it doesn't show any japanese punk style...luckily she's not punk. hehe.

Plug out the Plurk
