Monday, February 23, 2009

The Begining of Changes

It is so hard to say goodbye.
But still I have to make it worked.
So here I am at Subang Jaya.
Last night is really a nightmare.
My room was so dirty, I can feel the dust sticking my feet layer by layer.
I was cleaning up the floor with just a piece of clothes.
I have no table, no chair, no wardrobe, no curtains, no...I still have a bed!
I'm thinking now if my mom wasn't offer to buy me a portable bed, I would've to sleep on the floor throughout the week!
Thanks mummy! Love you so so much!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Suria Mas for 2 years

If someday you think of me and feel like asking me out to yam cha eat pao, I'm no longer in Penang for 2 years time. I'll be doing my degree in architecture at taylors. The place I'm staying is called Suriamas Apartment. Below with 2 attachments, the map and the floor plan layout. Keep your luggage, choose your choice of transportation: bus, plane or car, then head to Petaling Jaya. I will welcome you with my open arms.

By the way, We have an empty room equipped with aircon and fan to let. If so happen any of you looking for a place to rent, kindly look for me for more info.

Gonna miss Penang so much...and you, you, you and you out there...

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Ciern's New Blog Header

Theme: Famous Label

As promised. Here's the header for my dear. The header which inspired by our blog header moved me to do some collage design on my favourite portrait. So envy she has such good boyfriend paying so much effort to design this for her *Nagged* Feel free to visit her at ENJOY!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Dedication To All Heart Broken

What is substituted is the sentiment, not the fact of giving up.
Being given up by someone is not a loser.
Being the party who pay more effort and nourish the relationship,
we always hope for same treatment from opposite.
Therefore, the feeling of injured, envy, happy, laughs heartily... they haunt.

But all of these, you know you have gave more than she did.
Certainly the injury you face could be many time more.
However, she could not feel it already.
Leaves you to withstand the misery completely by yourself.
No matter how, because of all these sorrow,
only then you'll have the strength, in the pain to stand up once again.

You may choose to stop at point with all the sorrow,
resentment and feeling of losing love which you once diligently fought for.
Or you choose to gain ground and face bravely.
Let the others discover the indifferent in you.
Moreover you become dazzling and stronger than before.

I may not be the best to comfort, but Jesus does.
Because He loves us so much, He died on the cross for us.
Because of our sin, He endured satires, humiliation, bleedings.
Yet we don't understand. Just like those who doesn't understand you.
Jesus knows. God is love and He knows your pain.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

My 09 CNY

In my point of view, every family needs a leader, head of the family tree. My grandpa was the head of the family. After he passed away, things not going well and my grandma's turn to be the head of the family. Still, things didn't turn well because my grandma was a disabled and she couldn't make any decision and just 2 weeks before CNY, she passed away. So the family's mace had to pass to someone. My dad being the eldest, he supossed to take up the responsibility but due to his overwhelmed problem from the company and his health, he is basically a disabled. Turned out we are a democratic family. Everyone voice out creating chaos.

This year CNY is a sad one. It is so different from my past 21 years except my mom's side, we celebrate as usual with my grandpa. Other than that, I was being together with Ciern and bunch of church member throughout the week. On the reunion day, I had reunion lunch with Ciern's family. The food was too much but they were deeliiiciious...yuMMY! We visited some of our church eldery and also hang out with my ex collegemate and lecturer. From my precious post, Vivian was one of them. She's cute isnt't it? We played poker alot. But Bluff card game was my all time favourite(because I only how to play bluff...hehe). When we were at Yong kang's house, we met a new friend, Rex, the handsome Siberian Husky. But he is too shy to play with us.

cny1 (by Raymaniac)
My grandpa's Green Yard

rex husky (by Raymaniac)
Meet Rex

It seemed boring, but I got to gain some precious knowledge. One of my church member taught me how to make Fruit Enzyme. It is very healthy to our body although some tasted so bad. I love the fermented grape. The leftover juice taste like wine! Besides fruit enzyme, I actually solved the very mystery unsolved puzzle game I used to played in childhood time, The Rubik's Cube!!! Thanks to Danny, he has been to patient enough to teach me. Ciern and I had cny promotion Sushi King also. Check out here with loads of tempting food and Yee Sang.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Me: Come, I bring you home.
*Vivian shakes head*
Ciern: Come, I bring you go shopping.
*Vivian lifts smile and grab Ciern's hand*

Guess who is the cheeky Vivian? It's Sharon, our glamourous lecturer's daughter!

Like her mama

Kawaii neh!

Daddy scold still laughing


24th January 2009. My first sunrise shooting with Danny. It was awesome but the sunrise came kinda late, around 7:38am. Funny thing is we were there at 6am. Enjoy the series!

1. Peeping out

sunrise1 (by Raymaniac)

2. Fresh
sunrise2 (by Raymaniac)

3. Revealed
sunrise3 (by Raymaniac)

4. Warm Reflection
sunrise4 (by Raymaniac)

5. Graceful Morning
sunrise5 (by Raymaniac)
