In my point of view, every family needs a leader, head of the family tree. My grandpa was the head of the family. After he passed away, things not going well and my grandma's turn to be the head of the family. Still, things didn't turn well because my grandma was a disabled and she couldn't make any decision and just 2 weeks before CNY, she passed away. So the family's mace had to pass to someone. My dad being the eldest, he supossed to take up the responsibility but due to his overwhelmed problem from the company and his health, he is basically a disabled. Turned out we are a democratic family. Everyone voice out creating chaos.
This year CNY is a sad one. It is so different from my past 21 years except my mom's side, we celebrate as usual with my grandpa. Other than that, I was being together with Ciern and bunch of church member throughout the week. On the reunion day, I had reunion lunch with Ciern's family. The food was too much but they were deeliiiciious...yuMMY! We visited some of our church eldery and also hang out with my ex collegemate and lecturer. From my precious post, Vivian was one of them. She's cute isnt't it? We played poker alot. But Bluff card game was my all time favourite(because I only how to play bluff...hehe). When we were at Yong kang's house, we met a new friend, Rex, the handsome Siberian Husky. But he is too shy to play with us.

My grandpa's Green Yard
Meet Rex
It seemed boring, but I got to gain some precious knowledge. One of my church member taught me how to make Fruit Enzyme. It is very healthy to our body although some tasted so bad. I love the fermented grape. The leftover juice taste like wine! Besides fruit enzyme, I actually solved the very mystery unsolved puzzle game I used to played in childhood time, The Rubik's Cube!!! Thanks to Danny, he has been to patient enough to teach me. Ciern and I had cny promotion Sushi King also. Check out
here with loads of tempting food and Yee Sang.