Saturday, November 22, 2008

TT session with Fotokrazy

My First TT session with member. Suprisingly, all Nikonian. Holding my Canon feeling lonely. huhu~ But nice talking to all the guys there.

Heres the photo I took during the TT session:

p/s: no money to buy wide use photomerge lor...

Friday, November 21, 2008



I gif-ed my header today!

Coming soon...

Stay tune for the whitey...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

DIY Product Mini Studio

I've been talking too much like an old man. Less crap, more pictures, more technique....

(DIY Product Mini Studio)

  • An Aipo dry cabinet empty box
  • double sided tape
  • tracing paper (translucent paper)
  • Cutter (make sure it is sharp enough to commit sucidal)
  • white paper
  • Table lamp
Method: (Refer Picture)
  • Cut both left and right side into rectangular with border wide approx. 5cm.
  • Tape tracing paper to both side of the cut out part.
  • Now cut out infront of the box. (as show on pic)
  • Put white paper inside the bottom of the box and backdrop.
  • Penetratelight with table lamp from either both side or one of the side.
  • Explore for outcome.

Aipo 38L Dry Cabinet

I'm a kiasu and kiasi person. For all these while, my dslr and lens are not carefully protected. I don't have any dry box to keep them. I just simply leave them into my dslr bag, throw in few packet of silica gel and that's it. Until I read through an article last few days ago about this guy having this fungus growing in all his lenses!

I dare not risking the life of my dslr nor my lenses. Cleaning up the fungus sensor may end up letting you spend some serious cash. Even using silica gel would not help much. This happened to my friend's friend that he thought it is safe to use the "Thirsty Hippo" and he threw 2 of them into the container to prevent humidity. But it turned out worse. Somehow the sensor spoiled due to the cold sensor forming a layer of moisture and it suffered from sudden dry out because the moisture absorbtion from "Thirsty Hippo" was too strong. Phew~

Spending a few hundreds to get a dry box is a wise choice indeed. Play safe. Here's the Aipo 38litre dry cabinet I bought from Komtar, Click & Snap. The price is reasonable and afforable. It's not too big, not too small. It's divided into 2 storey, which you can see in the pic below. From my prediction, this able to hold approximately 4x 40D body and x6 6inch lens, or remove the stray divider, you are abled to store ur long 12 inch long lens. The design of it is cool. Although it is product of China, it doesn't seem like one. It is more like a modern fridge with see- through tempered glass door. This is enough for my current usage. Let's see how's the future, perhaps, I'll need a bigger one to store more good glass. Haha.

Aipo 38L Dry Cabinet

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Choosen Loser

This is funny... For all these while, due to some problem of my family, I've not been working for quite sometime. I'd been away from studies for almost a year long. In studies, I was supposed to further my studies after graduated from Diploma of Architecture, but after waiting desperately, it seems come to an end telling me, no, not the path I'm travelling on. Life gets misery, million and trillion of excuses given by the feelings deep inside. I'm in the rest room long enough.

My diverted lifestyle, I just awake not long ago, received a call from someone speaking with fluent english accent. It was a request from someone to shoot a wedding in kl. O.M.G! "Ah, sorry sir, I'm trying to figuring out something in my mind here, weak coverage." I explained after conversation delayed for few second. I didn't know how to say and the man who called asking me to check my email for the detailed information. Not trying to boast or something. But somehow I'm invited to be a wedding photographer by some 'ang moh'? Yet, I'm quite confused whether I'm capable of doing it? Deep in my heart, I wanted. Outward feeling, I know which stage I'm standing. But I'm glad God doesn't gave up on me even I always complained I've too much free time.

Some encouragement for my fellow readers and to myself:

The next time you feel like God can't use you, just remember:

Noah was a drunk
Abaraham was too old
Issac was a daydreamer
Jacob was a liar

Leah was ugly
Joseph was abused
Moses had a stuttering problem and was a murderer (so was Paul)
Gideon was afraid

Samson had long hair and was womanizer
Jeremiah and Timothy were too young
David had an affair and was a murderer
Elijah was burned out and suicidal

Isaiah preached naked
Jonah ran from God
Noomi was a widow
Job went bankrupt

Peter denied Christ
The Disciples fell asleep while Jesus was praying
Martha was a paranoid - worried about everything
The Samaritan woman was divorced, more than once

Zaccheus was too small
Paul was too religious
Timothy had an ulcer...AND
Lazarus was dead!

And don't forget God helped them all!!!

Now! No more excuses!
God can use you to your full potential.

GOD can certainly use you!
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

Live simply, Love generously, Care deeply, Speak kindly...Leave the rest to GOD.

Book Review: Taming the Tiger

Taming The Tiger
(Full Version)

Cry Of The Tiger
(The version for easy understanding.)

I've been reading this non- fiction book recently. The story really moved me to believe in Jesus more and more. I have to admit I may not know Him that deep yet, but I truly believe the way He planned for Tony Anthony's life is definately a unique bond between Jesus and faith in him.

This fast-paced, compelling, at times chilling, account is the deeply fascinating story of a three-times crowned Kung Fu World Champion. With fascinating insight into the traditions of China’s martial arts, it documents the abusive upbringing that turned a four-year-old child into a hardened, professional killer. Tony Anthony had a horrific childhood. At the age of four he was sent away by his parents, who lived in England, to be brought up by his mother's parents in China. Leaving his parents, a flight half-way round the world and being catapulted into a strange culture where he couldn't speak the language, were a complete shock and torment for him He was brought up by his Chinese grandfather to learn the ways of Kung Fu. It was a hard upbringing, with many harsh beatings and punishments to learn the ways of endurance, concentration and patience that Kung Fu teaches. As time went by his grandfather entered him in Kung Fu competitions all over China and beyond. With great trepidation, at the age of 17, he undertook the ultimate challenge to become a Master, and went on to win the World Championship three times in a row. Eventually, he returned to his ailing parents in England and started an extraordinary career in close protection security, travelling the world guarding some of the world's wealthiest, most powerful and influential people. His sense of security was severely dented by the sudden death of his girl friend and his high-flying lifestyle was brought to an abrupt end when he was captured by the police in Cyprus. At his trial, on charges of theft and assault, he was found guilty and sent to the notorious Nicosia Central Prison. However, it was here, after many 'God' experiences and the faithfulness of a prison visitor called Michael, that he was brought to his knees and he met the risen Lord Jesus. This is a fast moving, compelling and at times chilling account of a life utterly and convincingly changed by the power of the Spirit to bring good out of evil.

Serving Him First

I didn't know what to write for my first post until I thought of Christmas is coming soon. Design is inspired by silhouette vector art and what I did was creating vector art by turning pictures into form of silhouette and blending them into the ambient of christmas together with the title: Fullest of Life. And here's the design I did for this year christmas dinner party organized by my church.

Christmas Brochures

click for larger image
