Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Rest in Peace Granny...

granny (by Raymaniac)

Beloved Grandma

Departed on 15th January 2009 at age of 75.

Missing you dearly.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Discovery of Abandoned Railway Station (Part 2)

Here's second part of the photo taken at Perai railway station. This set are focus more on Yong Ern, and added some interesting photo of myself and photo Yong Ern help Ciern and I to take.

P/s: Yong Ern, turning table is nothing compare to framing


1. perai12a


3. perai14a

4. perai15a

5. perai16a

6. perai17a

7. perai18a

8. perai19a

9. perai20a

10. perai21a

11. perai22a

12. perai23a


14. perai25a

15. perai26a

16. perai27a

17. perai28a

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Discovery of Abandoned Railway Station

This place is the place I wanted to go for a long time ago. Thanks to google earth, wikimapia and GPS system, without technology nowaday, I wouldn't able to make it there. Yong ern and Ciern be my object on that day. They are just too lucky to have these photo I took and editted!

The station is awesome. It is actually not fully abandoned, some part of the station is used for train service platform. The left over trains and track giving a vintage feel for every photo taken. Plenty of opening around the station building gives natural lights as it is a advantages for because I forgot to bring my flash batteries! I used my built in flash as well. Good to be forced to using something I never tried before because I actually learned how to control the built in flash.

Below are 1st badge of the photo taken on that day. Enjoy and leave me a comment! =D

1. perai1

2. perai2

3. perai3a

4. perai4a

5. perai5a

6. perai6a

7. perai7a

8. perai8a

9. perai9a

10. perai10a

11. perai11a

Friday, January 9, 2009

Wish Granted Beautifully

It started on the day my dad admitted hospital. I was there taking care all the needs of my family. Thought of going further my studies to Tasmania still keen in my mind, but it fades of slowly. Obstacles from time to time, the question repeating asking me how am I going to continue my studies? I pray. I didn't even know the path of my future. I wished God gives a direction. Meanwhile, Satan intruded my authority. My negative thoughts formed. Things popped in my mind, things like how my dad wanted me to enroll mysef in architecture but the day before, I was about to find a college for the course I was interested at the time. Evil voice keep whispered to me, I shouldn't have to do all these. My anger grew as I felt I was actually wasting my time. What happen to my "Think Thrice but not Twice" quote I always encourage myself everytime I make a decision? I rambled.

Months ago, I was so desperately praying to God, I really want to know what do I need to do next to secure my future. I feel there's something God wanted me to accomplish before He gives what I want. Feeling unsecure and not reconciled to give up the hope of further my studies. Looking at myself compared to my 4 siblings still studying, my elder sister who is doing her Food science, my younger sister who is studying law at Kemayan ATC, and my 2 lil bro and sis still schooling. I felt I have nothing. Only chaos happened. I started to lost my endurance for everything. Whoever step on my tail, die flat on the ground.

It seemed I have turned into a beast. But no one knows during the midnight, I cried awefully. Sleepless nights haunt. Fear intrudes my life.

Everything has to stop before I do soemthing wrong. Look into the problem closely and not trying to blame whoever get me into this piece of shit. I see myself gave up on architecture. Like what after SPM, choosing a new course. Maybe graphic design(with integration of photography) and event planner. Design is always my forte. I feel better then. Architecture? I told God in prayer, It seems He doesn't like me to further my studies. How to start again? I don't know. Since then, all I know is I'm going to have plenty of time to spend. First time I feel so want to be commited in God's work. And eventually I joined my church saturday children fellowship or better known as KFC, as a teacher helping out.

Things planned. I feel much better for having a life now. Even people finding faults on me, I shoo-ed them off easily. Days ago, I accompanied Dan to ask for college. And myself too wanted to ask for graphic and multimedia course with my Architecture Diploma. I know they are 2 different thing but I just want to do design. Architecture again? Further studies to overseas just hopeless.

And here God started to guide me with the wide open path. On the second day of meeting up the Australia Uni representatives,it was 1:30 pm, I was so lazy to wake up. But I still wake up, get myself prepared. In my mind, talking about further studies made me feel consoled. In reality, the thought of further studies remained a dream. Not anymore. Danny was asking for registration in Taylors counsel centre. They actually offer Bachelor of Science( Architecture) started this year. I didn't hope much but I asked if they can help me to apply architecture degree using my Equator diploma.

OMG!!! I got a place in Taylors. I even get a year exemption. Only 2 study years to earn a degree! Course fee? Much cheaper compare to do it in Aussie. I'm a happy man now. I feel revived. Rejuvenated! Full of hope given by God. It's like Taylors started the degree just for me!
Now only permission is from my parents. If they agree, I'm ready for architorture life.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Year Resolution

I wonder why, people around me never discuss about new year resolution. In year 2009, people start talking about the economy crisis. We know this year is going to be a really bad year although Malaysia is still holding it pretty well at the beginning. Shopping complex in Penang seems booming, we have the Gurney New Wing, Times Square which is expected to open soon, Di Piazza Lifestyle mall at Bayan Baru, and the building next to Prangin Mall, I'm not sure what does it called but I'm sure it's another complex. Petrol price decreased to RM1.80, give us another extra miles to go. People still enjoy shopping, buying new cars, enjoying expensive hobby like what I saw the other day, a guy who actually bought A Canon EOS 5D MII with a 24-105mm F4l kitlens, a lowepro backpack, a 48litre drybox and some accessories, all these easily hit the 10K figure.

Why is it so? But other country they are emphasizing the level of debt in the UK is "disturbing," but given the severity of the economic downturn, more government borrowing was the lesser of two evils, Dominique Strauss-Kahn said in an interview to the BBC.

What I had done in the previous year that just ended? I helped my dad in his business but it is sad enough to say I was not able to help much. What is done had been done. When to came to the end of it, I only pray that situation will get better. The only thing that makes me felt proud of myself is my passion on photography. I do learned alot in photography, from the theory of photography to practice of photoshooting, from the raw image to the stage of rectify and beautify, most precious lesson yet a self taught one. The bad side of me, I'd been lazy. I sleep like nobody cares. I have excuses for that actually, I'm not employed and I'm not a student in year 08. Good thing is, I trust God more and more for about things He planned for me. I'm officially baptised. Although my family condition seems not getting any better, I'm glad my parents accepted Christ. Believe, faith and hope are the key of life. Life is not easy but with the strength of God, impossible is nothing.

So, what is my plan for the new year? The famous quote says: "If you failed to plan. you are planning to fail." I'm gonna list out my new year resolution as a target and hit it. I know myself well, without clear goal, it's just merely a fantasy dream. But if goals are set, passion is activated, I'll be motivated to reach the goal. Below is the list of my 2009 Resolutions:

1. Be a teacher in KFC fellowship of my church. Fulltime.
2. Studies. Hopefully Taylor's managed to help me get into Degree courses using my Equator Diploma.
3. Establish my plan on opening an unique restaurant to help my family income.
4. Be a good photographer with strong artistic foundation, knowledge and wisdom.
5. Planning to buy a Wacom tablet. Another self taught subject I'm going to enroll myself.
6. Be a better boyfriend. I've been a good one previous year. *Pat self* =D
7. Get healthy. Systematic lifestyle and exercise. (Perhaps build up some hard flesh?ahahaha...)

7 resolutions! The perfect number. I don't want to make it 10 like what people normally do and don't even bother to fulfill them because busy and lazy are the evil excuses. Wish me luck for my determination and passion to complete them!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Name: Obliviate
Description: This charm useful in erasing, or modifying, a person's memory.

If I know the harry potter's spell, I will use it to cast Ciern into


or THIS!!

I don't mind at all...........

Long Abandoned Set of Ciern

Ciern keep asking for the set I took for her during along time ago we went jogging in Botanical garden. These photos were taken by my previous dslr 450D.

Since I learned how to edit raw file, I quit using jpeg, the only time I save in small/medium size jpeg is for reference. The noise issue and jpeg format somehow made me give up on editting this set.

But I was wrong. The exposure was nicely done, the colour ambient is nice too! So I took some time study how to reduce noise and Chromatic Aberrations in jpeg format. Some tweak and twist to beautify the image and the outcome do satisfy me. Set as below, enjoy!

1. Ambient

2. Stairway to heaven

3. Ciern

4. Ciern Meditating

5. Bamboo

Heritage Clock Tower

This clock tower attracted me when I was about to head back home from Weld Quay. Although the clock tower blocked by trees but it blends in and it seems growing from the tree bush, creating a harmony feel. I love the sky too!

Heritage Clock Tower

Photo taken with 40D + 70-200 F4L IS
Straight from camera, put in watermark, no further editting done.

The Japanese Idol - Doraemon

Who doesn't like Doraemon? they are so so so cute...






Friday, January 2, 2009

Potential Model - Hannah Teoh

It's so fun to shoot her. I don't need to teach her how to post, just say CHANGE! and she will come out with great expression! Pics below, enjoy guys!










